Complaints procedure
Praktijk Otterspoor considers it important that you are satisfied with the care provided. The practice does its best to provide you with the best possible care. However, things can go wrong or turn out differently than you expected. We would like to hear this, so that we can look for a solution together with you and improve the provision of care. Here you can read about the possibilities.
Start the conversation
If you, as a client, are dissatisfied with the care I provide, try to start a conversation with the practice first. Then we try to figure it out together. If the consultations we conduct together do not lead to a solution for you, you have the option of submitting an official complaint to the complaints officer. With this letter I inform you about how the filing of an official complaint works.
How to file a complaint?
Your complaint may relate to your care or the way you are treated. The complaints procedure has been placed with ZZP-Erindezorg. You can submit a complaint via the online complaint form, which can be found here:
You can submit a complaint yourself. Your representative can also do this on your behalf.
The complaint is received by the complaints officer. The complaints officer will only be involved if you wish. The complaints officer can also be reached by
complaints officer
The practice has an independent complaints officer who works for ZZP-Erindezorg. The complaints officer is an independent person who can support you in finding a solution to your complaint. When the complaints officer has received your complaint via the electronic complaints form, the complaints officer will contact you. You will be given the opportunity to explain your complaint. You will be asked for permission to inform me as a healthcare provider involved.
Arrangements are then made. The complaints officer also informs the practice of the complaint submitted. The complaints officer will see if a meeting is still possible; the complaints officer can possibly be present to mediate. You will receive a written response to your complaint from me as a healthcare provider within six weeks. The complaints officer will also send a concluding letter containing the result of the handling and possible mediation of your complaint.
The complaints officer always handles a complaint confidentially. Steps will only be taken in consultation with you. The complaints officer acts neutrally and impartially. Contact with the complaints officer is free.